Interplastica 2018, the leading trade fair for plastics and rubber in Russia and Eastern Europe, took place in Moscow from Jan. 26-29.
More than 900 companies from 30 countries presented their innovations this year, attracting 24,900 visitors, mostly from Russia and the former CIS countries, including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Belorussia.
The local team supported by colleagues from Baerlocher GmbH and Baerlocher Kimya (Turkey) was available to discuss the company´s innovative additive solutions from Baerlocher’s attractive booth, perfectly located in Hall 2.
Most of the visitors came from the window and technical profile sector, representing 60-65% of the total volume of the PVC market in the region. Discussions regarding Ca-based stabilization dominated the dialogue. In 2017, major players, including Western European producers and a number local majors, made a substantial step toward Ca-based production. Analysts expect the window profile market to be 90% Ca-based within two years.
The Plastisol segment attracted particular attention due to increasing demand for products in the renovation of interiors in Russia. Producers of wallpaper, flooring, and membranes for roofing were interested in the benefits of Baerlocher's Plastisol solutions in regard to organic emissions and the reduction of fogging effects.
Moreover, the special additives and metal soaps from Baerlocher received a lot of awareness this year. “We offer the range of our metal soaps in a wide variety of product forms, which is an important criterion especially for the visitors from the polymer sector,” said Dr. Peter Wagner, Head of Sales and Marketing Special Additives at Baerlocher.
“I'm highly satisfied with the results and I’m really excited about the number of new projects we were able to discuss during the fair. Our efforts to support the move to Ca-based stabilizers were highly-appreciated by both existing and potential customers,” stated Mikhail Shchekin, Sales Manager of Baerlocher in Russia.
Baerlocher is the market leader in Ca-based solutions. The company has extensive experience in the transition to these products and offers fast and reliable local technical support.
The next Interplastica will take place from Jan. 29 to Feb. 1, 2019.